Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Beginning

The search for a blogging platform can be frustrating for a tech-head:
  • "I want to host and manage my own!" (The control factor)
  • "Maybe I'll make my own!" (Not-Invented-Here factor)
  • "I want it now!" (The 'play with a new thing' factor)
  • "Maybe I'll do this later..." (Fear of failing factor)
Even worse, I owned a domain ( for a good 5 years without putting it to use. It was lost immediately after my contract elapsed; I tried to get it again, but it was no longer available. Oh well. Try another variant (
So, here I am, trying out a writing platform (quite nice so far!), and ignoring my intended goal: start a blog.
Still, I'm not too upset. The best thing about doing research, is all the tangents that you take. You stumble upon the most fascinating ideas, technologies, and, well...other things - things you may have never known existed, like "Draft," or how showering every day is causing more damage to your body than you know. the end, I circle back around, and click on the "Create Blog" button on Google, where about 87.6% of my online life resides (including my domain).
Now that I think about it, that "one-click. Done." deal has really started defining me. Damn. I'm one lazy guy.

Until next time...

Disney's Cloudy Vision - Part 1

Today's Disney has the idea backwards: Disney Parks should be imagined as places where a particular character/IP would live, not create ...