Monday, April 8, 2019


This serves as a note to myself (and anyone else) on a simple way to connect to a SSL-enable PostgreSQL (9.4+) server using the standard java SSL properties:

Add sslfactory=org.postgresql.ssl.DefaultJavaSSLFactory to your connection string, and configure your JVM* properties as you would for the majority of java applications.



and, if you use PKCS12 for certificate storage:


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Re-framing Privacy

I really enjoy shows that guide me through various points of history, digging deeper into the day to day minutiae that your history classes in high school and college did not - and generally could not - show us.

You can also find nuggets of knowledge that can expand your understanding of the modern day.  This happened recently while watching Lucy Worsley's "History Of The Home" series - I think it was the "Bedroom" episode.

While discussing the lack of intimacy in the home, she said - and I'm paraphrasing - that privacy was the ability to choose who you share yourself with.  While obvious, and probably not uncommon, the quote rung in my head, echoing through the chambers.  Quick aside: it's worth watching that series just to hear about the origins of "making the bed" and "sleep tight".

It clarified my mistaken presumption of privacy as a passive "something" that you had; it was, in actuality, an action that was controlled by you.  It's what you do, not what you have.

Loss, or invasion, of our privacy, then, is the wrong way to think about the privacy problems we face today in technology, government, and society.   When I hear about it, privacy is presented as a secondary privilege, as if it were my home.

This leads me to believe that privacy should be compared to Free Speech.  In fact, privacy seems to be involved in exercising free speech: I choose to whom, of what, and how much of it, I speak.  Being stripped of privacy prevents me from effectively exercising my free speech rights.  Now the encroacher has not just read your journal, but has identified your personal expressions ("oh.  I see you like to dance as you get into the shower").

In this way, we need to think of this as being stripped of a freedom, rather than a loss or invasion.   Privacy is a choice of what you share, and how much of it you share: you choose when to stop sharing.

Unfortunately, the platforms we use are actively getting in the way of us exercising our privacy: "Look at what is going on out there.  Just take a peek.  Don't you want to say something about it.  Perhaps do something - we can help you do that something."  Kind of like having a kid around: you don't focus on their presence, you don't sense any danger of them being around while your acting out your day, then BAM!  Your kid just told your friend what you bought them for their birthday - or, worse, tells your girlfriend that you bought her an engagement ring ( 

Here's a thought: when you go into a store, you have a couple areas where you could exercise privacy (e.g. the bathroom).  Where can you do that on Facebook?  On any Google property?  Or even Amazon or Apple?  Every move you make goes directly into their internal data set, which they can parse whenever they want (in private too!)

This is definitely a topic to revisit soon.

Disney's Cloudy Vision - Part 1

Today's Disney has the idea backwards: Disney Parks should be imagined as places where a particular character/IP would live, not create ...